Windansea's Highlander Life
Sagecrest Hangin' Loose at Windansea x MBISS MBOSS GCH Kintra's Celtric Thunder, CGC, WC
DOB: 2/27/19
AKC#: SS10747301
Zoe is my singleton miracle who fought hard for her little life and continues to daily prove her tenacity! "Zoe" means life, and it seemed the most appropriate name for her. She has amazing International/Grand Champion lines & her father is a stunning GCH- See her father Drummer here! Full of sass and and her mom's spunk, she is a silly clown who loves to play and smile.
OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal, Eyes CERF Normal 2021
Genetic Testing Cleared through PawPrints:
PRCD Progressive Retinal Atrophy: Clear/Normal
EIC - Clear/Normal -
CNM Centro nuclear Myopathy - Normal/Clear-
HNPK Hered. Nasal Parakeratosis - Normal/Clear
DM Degenerative Myelopathy- Normal/ Clear
RD/OSD Retinal Dysplasia- Normal/Clear
Macular Corneal Dystrophy- Normal/Clear
Skeletal Dysplasia 2- Normal/Clear
DL D Locus- Normal/Clear, does not carry d gene